Alaska Patient Centered Medical Home Initiative (AK-PCMH-I)

Program Location: 
Juneau, AK
Number of Practices: 
Payer Type: 
Partner Organizations: 
Alaska Primary Care Association

The Alaska PCMH Initiative (AK-PCMH-I) is a collaborative effort by a large cross section of Alaska's health care community that are united in their goal to implement the Patient Centered Medical Home (PCMH) model statewide. Their approach is to build on the excellent foundation of scholarship and industry of other commissions, collaborations, and coalitions that have preceded it, and support methods of PCMH transition in practices across the state, working always to shift the statewide healthcare system to the PCMH model.

AK-PCMH-I's mission is to foster innovation within healthcare organizations and stakeholders in Alaska. AK-PCMH-I works with its many partners to promote PCMH, expand and optimize it to provide better access to higher quality primary care for all Alaskans. The PCMH model has been empirically proven to: improve patient experience and engagement, reduce healthcare costs system-wide, and produce a healthier and more productive population.

Payment Model: 

Defined practice transformation expenses shall be specifically identified by applicants: including all elements of the practice transformation proposed. Proposals shall not exceed $75,000 per site application, proposals that show in kind contribution, and are specifically defined are encouraged. 

For additional information about the payment model, click here

Last updated February 2019
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